Reimbursements and payments to Troop and Police Contributing Countries (T/PCC) accounts for over 30% of the total annual peacekeeping budget. The Uniformed Capabilities Management (UCM) solution ties together the end-to-end planning and associated processes of uniformed capabilities management, such as the definition of unit requirements (SURs), memoranda of understanding (MoUs) with Troop / Police Contributing Countries (T/PCCs), field inspections and verifications of contingent-owned equipment (formerly eCOE), uniformed personnel strength reporting (USRs), and the calculation of claims and reimbursements to T/PCCs. The system was designed to improve complex processes involved in force generation, force management, and claim reimbursements to T/PCCs and lays the foundation for all future force management and planning related process improvements and technological upgrades.
Training materials specific to Uniformed Capabilities Management (UCM) Umoja Extension 2 (UE2) deployments can be found here.
Training materials on Contingent Owned Equipment Inspection and Verification Reporting processes, including materials on the tablet version of the application can be found here.
Certification is not yet available. Please check back soon.